Monday, May 30, 2011

Sometimes it's not the decision that matters, it's the intepretation.

It has been days since I've wanted to blog, but never gotten the chance to go abt it. Sometimes when you procrastinate too much, you tend to lose the interest. I just deleted my entire draft as whatever written days back is no longer how I feel presently. Nothing is permanent, as the Buddha teaching says.

Looking back at my old writings makes me realize that I've actually changed quite a bit. Sometimes we really do need to be reminded of the past to reflect who we are today. Honestly speaking, I do not quite like who I've become. I don't know how, why or when I've became this way, but I certainly do not enjoy being the person I am currently. I feel so distant from my inner self. From the person I once was. From who I've always wanted to be.

People do change with time. It is inevitable. However, I'm sure there must be a way to modify these changes.

Jun Shen was kind enough to be my patient.
I was performing hand scaling on him. Satisfactory treatment, though I took a lil long. =)

Andrew took over with ultrasonic scaling.

Andrew's a left hander so he had to pull the entire control panel to the other side.
I'm beginning to worry for myself.

Yvonne came to Penang for the weekend. We had some really good time together, spent too much of money and ate like there's no tomorrow.

Sausages. Too costly.

Extremely good carbonara.

Pork knuckles. Huge.

Chong Ming figuring out how to tackle the meat.

Pork ribs. Too bony.

Healy Mac's, in Straitquay.

Mansion 69

Seafood at Bayan Lepas.


I may not be the best friend, but I'm one of out the million who cares.
Happy 22nd Birthday. =)


Tell me and I forget.
Teach me and I remember.
Involve me and I learn.
- Benjamin Franklin

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