Monday, December 27, 2010

How do you expect me to rmb yr bday when you never look any older?

Today is a special day,
It's needless to say,
You are smiling away,
Because it's your BIRTHDAY!

A person like you is rare,
You're someone i care,
You never hesitate to share,
A constant smile you wear.

* * * * * * * * * *

I hereby wish you,
ample of joy,
and luck,
and love,
on your 21st Birthday,
the day which marks,
responsibilities and,

Hold on to your key,
and use it to unveil the mysteries of life.

Replenish economically

I'm writing this upon request, so bear with me if you think it's irrelevant. =)

ORS - Oral rehydration solution

Use: the name is pretty self explanatory; to treat dehydration

I'm sure you guys must have used this when you get diarrhoea. It comes in a sachet. You dissolve it into a glass of water.

Basically, when you pass watery stool or sweat excessively, you not only lose water content but electrolytes as well. The consequences of dehydration may be mild to severe, depending on the amount of fluid loss. These include:
  1. muscle cramps
  2. nausea and vomiting
  3. lightheadedness (dizzy)
  4. heart palpitations (irregular heart beats)
  5. kidney failure
  6. shock
  7. coma
  8. death

The treatment of dehydration isn't just consuming plain water. You need to replenish the lost electrolytes as well. Following are the simple methods of rehydrating yr body:
  1. ORS
  2. Coconut juice
  3. Gatorade
  4. Home made ORS

Home made ORS

  • 1 litre of boiled water
  • 8 teaspoons of sugar
  • 1 or 1/2 teaspoon of salt
Just mix them together and it's ready to be consumed.
It is simple and could be life saving during emergency cases.

 He who has health, has hope. And he who has hope,
has everything.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


I woke up this morning to the excitement of showing my sis my new blog.
When she came to the part where i mentioned "Angina", she sighed.
She skipped the entire part and told me..BORING!

This probably isn't what ppl would like to read in a blog.
I don't get it though.
Don't you want to learn sth new?
Alright. Alright.
Ppl from my course probably don't need a 2nd lecture on this subject.
I guess I'll make a lil modification. =)

Recently i've been more irritable, only to a certain someone though.
I don't know what i've become.
I hate being this way.
Maybe the closer you are to someone, there more expectation you have.
When i'm angry, i'm pretty rude and mean.
I feel bad treating ppl that way, but i suppose you won't be angelic when you're all angry, would you?
I'll try to control my temper next time, try.
And I hope you would cooperate by not agitating me.

Christmas was pretty quiet this time.
Or maybe it has always been this way on my side.
Nothing much; besides getting angry again.

Pics from Sunway Carnival


Speak when you're angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. - Ambrose Bierce

Saturday, December 25, 2010

When you build something forcefully, it will just end up crumbling into dust.

First and foremost,
Merry Christmas!

Finally, i've decided to write again.
The year is coming to an end.
Time really flies; I always say this.
Everything that has happened this entire year is so vague.
I cannot seem to remember.
It doesn't really matter I suppose, the past is the past.
Leave it all behind and I shall take a leap forward.
I cannot wait for the new year.
It's a common perception, "A new year, A new beginning".
I guess it's the time to make changes; though the truth is, you can change any time of the year, really.

I sat for an exam yesterday, on Christmas's eve. It was 'General Medicine'.
I kinda like this subject.
It's nothing like "Why does an atom exist?"; but more like stuff applicable to daily life.
There's this one thing I read which I'd like to share;  Angina.

Definition: A type of temporary chest pain, pressure or discomfort.

Few days back, I woke up in the middle of the night with a tightening sensation on my chest. I thought it was because I didn't swallow my pill properly before I slept. So I drank some water and went back to bed.

Recently, I came across the symptoms of heart attack when I was studying for my exam.

  1. Sweating
  2. Shortness of breath
  3. Nausea
  4. Pain in chest, upper abdomen, back, neck, jaw, left shoulder and arm (Pain is dull, constricting, choking or heavy)
Then, I realized that the pain I was experiencing that night was similar to the pain described for heart attack. Well I don't thk it's quite possible that I was getting a heart attack, but the thing is, most ppl do not know when they're having one. It' makes a lot of difference if you detect heart attack early as the damage will be minimal. If there's anyone (who's very likely to get a heart attack) around you feeling pain in the arms or right shoulder (more commonly), pls seek medical help.

Predisposing factors:
  1. Cigarrete smoking
  2. Stress
  3. High blood pressure
  4. High blood cholesterol
  5. Physical inactivity
  6. Obesity
  7. Alcohol
  8. Diabetes mellitus
Honestly, if you stay away from cigarettes and alchohol, you're spared from alot of diseases. I know it's a cliche, but its hold so much of truth.

The greatest wealth is health.