Monday, January 19, 2015

Plastic, so what?

I think the society is grossly divided into 3 categories of ppl:
1) the judgemental
2) the neutral/open
3) the indifferent

I probably fall somewhere in between neutral or indifferent. The most annoying type is obviously the judgemental who likes to condemn others.

Truth is, everyone is different, and whatever that differs from the norm isn't necessarily bad. I don't mean to self-praise but I do think that I'm pretty accepting and I respect people's life choices. I hardly despise, I never like to judge, as long as your actions do not cross/harm me.

I never understand why others find plastic surgery such a big fuss. Yes she wasn't born that way, and she decided to improve her looks, so what? Millions of people wear braces to change their horribly aligned teeth, and that's not natural as well. Don't tell me it doesn't change yr look much, IT SURELY DOES. It even changes your jawline if you have extracted some teeth. Maybe that's a small scale beauty adjustment but if you're all about being natural and accepting the way you're born then don't do anything at all. Maybe you're not going to her extent because your problem/need isn't as great as hers. But don't be too quick to judge. I think it's pretty hypocritical to be selectively accepting of beauty corrections. Like it's perfectly acceptable to extract 4 teeth and rearrange your horribly aligned teeth but it's so wrong/vain to inject some fillers to sharpen slightly your nose or have fuller lips.

You know many people paste eyelid stickers to have nicer double eyelids, and if you use it long enough, those folds can become permanent.
So, the idea of pasting stickers seem quite alright, but undergoing eyelid surgeries is a no-no? If you think about it, the results are the same! In the end, you get fake double eyelids which you were never born with.

"Their children won't look like them". So what, your children don't always look like you! I don't look like either of my parent. I'm not heartbroken, it's not even a big deal. Maybe if you point out that her husband will be shocked if their children turn out to look like her ugly past, it's kinda valid. So if her husband knows, it's all good? Many people are becoming more honest about their plastic surgeries.(I think it's annoying if you're plastic but claim to be all natural, so just come clean!) And I think the reason to remain ugly just so that people can recognize at first glance those are your children, is so stupid!

People undergo so much pain and sacrifice so much money in hope that they can look better. It's really their choice. If they truly feel happier and more confident with their new look, let them be? Some are lucky to be born pretty, with flawless skin and nice eyes, some aren't. If you're contented with the way you are, it's really good for you, you save yourself a lot of trouble and money. Try to be empathetic, not judgemental. The world could really use more ppl like this.

P.S. I'm not saying this because I have any intention of going plastic in the future, I'm just really annoyed sometimes by all the insensitive comments.

Don't ever say you'll NEVER EVER do this EVEN IF you look a certain way, because you'll never really know until you're in that situation.
No offence ppl, just my thoughts.

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