First and foremost,
Merry Christmas!
Finally, i've decided to write again.
The year is coming to an end.
Time really flies; I always say this.
Everything that has happened this entire year is so vague.
I cannot seem to remember.
It doesn't really matter I suppose, the past is the past.
Leave it all behind and I shall take a leap forward.
I cannot wait for the new year.
It's a common perception, "A new year, A new beginning".
I guess it's the time to make changes; though the truth is, you can change any time of the year, really.
I sat for an exam yesterday, on Christmas's eve. It was 'General Medicine'.
I kinda like this subject.
It's nothing like "Why does an atom exist?"; but more like stuff applicable to daily life.
There's this one thing I read which I'd like to share; Angina.
Definition: A type of temporary chest pain, pressure or discomfort.
Few days back, I woke up in the middle of the night with a tightening sensation on my chest. I thought it was because I didn't swallow my pill properly before I slept. So I drank some water and went back to bed.
Recently, I came across the symptoms of heart attack when I was studying for my exam.
Shortness of breath
- Pain in chest, upper abdomen, back, neck, jaw, left shoulder and arm (Pain is dull, constricting, choking or heavy)
Then, I realized that the pain I was experiencing that night was similar to the pain described for heart attack. Well I don't thk it's quite possible that I was getting a heart attack, but the thing is, most ppl do not know when they're having one. It' makes a lot of difference if you detect heart attack early as the damage will be minimal. If there's anyone (who's very likely to get a heart attack) around you feeling pain in the arms or right shoulder (more commonly), pls seek medical help.
Predisposing factors:
Cigarrete smoking
High blood pressure
High blood cholesterol
Physical inactivity
Diabetes mellitus
Honestly, if you stay away from cigarettes and alchohol, you're spared from alot of diseases. I know it's a cliche, but its hold so much of truth.
The greatest wealth is health.